Johnson Families,
Hello Johnson Elementary Family and Friends! Coming soon, September 5th to September 22nd we will be having our annual Cheesecake and Cookie Dough Fundraiser!! Your child may have or will be bring home their fundraising packet by the end of the week. These proceeds go to support the grade levels, field trips, and campus beautification and safety projects such as the misting system the students enjoy at lunch to remain cool. Thank you for your support. LB Johnson Elementary_Flier_Julia Frozen Fall 2023 PDF (1).pdf PFR-FrozenBrochure_2023_MIDDLE PAGES.pdf PFR-FrozenBrochure_2023_Front.pdf
Also, picture day is Wednesday! Flyers area attached to this email with details on how to order pictures. Picture day is a free dress day for students! LBJ e-flyer FL23(English).jpg LBJ e-flyer FL23(Espanol).jpg