Heat Mitigation Plan for Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School
Your child/children's safety is our top priority. With the ongoing heat, we have a plan in place to keep students safe during times of high temperatures. The temperature is closely monitored by administration and the PE teacher throughout the day. We look at forecasts before the day begins as well as information the district provides for us. If the temperature is 104 degrees or below, we maintain all activities outside such as eating under the shaded and cooled eating area, recess, and PE. The large fans and misting system are turned on during these times. Once the "feels like" temperature reaches 105 degrees, Johnson does the following:
PE: PE takes place inside an air conditioned room for the remainder of the day
Lunch and Lunch Recess: Eating and recess take place inside the MPR where there is air conditioning and supervision. It may be that students start eating outside due to the temperature within the range, but are brought inside the MPR for indoor recess.
Recess: All recesses are conducted inside the classroom
For dismissal, students are kept in the shade until either called by staff to be released or are kept in a shady area until you are able to pick them up. All students who are not picked up within the 15 to 20 minutes are brought inside the air conditioned office. Many of you see how fast and diligently the team works on getting your students to your air conditioned cars to maintain safety. We are committed to that.
Please feel free to reach out with questions.
Thank you,
Julie A. Howard
Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School